martedì 17 gennaio 2012

I Vics rischiano di dover lasciare il Victoria Stadium

Brutta notizia... dopo le dimissioni improvvise e clamorose di Preece, oggi un'altra tegola per i Vics che da un comunicato della Deloitte hanno appreso che è stata accettata l'offerta pervenuta da una terza parte per l'acquisizione del Victoria Stadium e che quindi il Club è invitato ad abbandonare l'impianto.

Questo è il comunicato ufficiale del Club:

NORTHWICH Victoria Football Club has today been dealt a further blow following the departure yesterday of management team Andy Preece, Andy Morrison and Darren Ryan.
The club has been issued with a notice to vacate the Victoria Stadium after learning from joint charge receivers at business advisory firm Deloitte Touche that a third party bid for the land has been accepted.
It is not known at this stage who the buyers are.
The club has asked Deloitte for further information, but has not yet received a reply.
In the meantime, owner Jim Rushe is seeking legal advice on the club’s current position.
Arrangements for forthcoming home matches, including next Tuesday’s scheduled Mid Cheshire FA Senior Cup semi final against Winsford United, will be announced shortly.

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