Il Northwich verrà clamorosamente retrocesso e non potrà quindi giocare i play off che si era meritatamente guadagnati sul campo ottenendo un fantastico secondo posto.
Questo lo statuto diramato dalla NPL nei giorni scorsi:
"At the FA hearings held at Wembley today the decision of the panel was as follows:
In respect of Northwich Victoria FC, the panel ruled that the Club would not be allowed to participate in the promotion play-offs, however the Club would not be expelled from the Northern Premier League but relegated one step from the 2012/2013 Season."
Il Northwich ha fatto ricorso contro questa punizione che è sembrata davvero pesante ed ingiusta, si aspettano novità, ma la situazione sembra molto grave.
Questo quanto comparso sul sito dei Vics:
"An FA Appeal Board heard today [Tuesday 24 April 2012] an appeal by Northwich Victoria against a decision made by the League in that the League: a) came to a decision on the facts of the case that no reasonable body should have come and b) imposed an award or sanction that was excessive in respect to three charges as follows:-
i) Failing to notify the League within seven days of it failing to comply with terms of a Company Voluntary Arrangement.
ii) Failing to comply with the conditions for the transfer of membership from “old Co” to “New Co” as set out in the agreement signed on 15 February 2011.
iii) Failing to comply with the terms of the CVA entered into.
The appeal was upheld on the grounds that the sanction imposed was excessive, the first limb of the appeal that the League came to a decision on the facts of the case that no reasonable body should have come was dismissed.
The Appeal Board have decided that the sanction imposed on the Club be varied and have ordered that Northwich Victoria FC cannot participate in the play-offs and are to be relegated one step from the commencement of the 2012-13 season.
The decision is final and binding on all parties."
The appeal was upheld on the grounds that the sanction imposed was excessive, the first limb of the appeal that the League came to a decision on the facts of the case that no reasonable body should have come was dismissed.
The Appeal Board have decided that the sanction imposed on the Club be varied and have ordered that Northwich Victoria FC cannot participate in the play-offs and are to be relegated one step from the commencement of the 2012-13 season.
The decision is final and binding on all parties."
Ci auguriamo di cuore che la punizione possa essere rivista e resa meno pesante; non partecipare ai play off è una punizione già molto severa dopo l'ottimo campionato disputato, ma la retrocessione sarebbe un colpo davvero duro da accettare ed ingiusto.
Attendiamo novità e facciamo sentire il nostro supporto al Northwich Victoria!!
Come on you Vics!